Thursday, March 20, 2008



Julie took me to Ike’s restaurant last night for my birthday. Very good food and I ate way too much. We each got the NY Strip which was very good, and then split a chocolate cake with extra ice cream for dessert. EXCELLENT chocolate cake. Yumlicious!

Most likely, by the time you read this post, we’ll know if we actually got any of the snow they’re predicting. Last I saw we’re now under a winter storm warning. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Looks like the Bombay Bistro isn’t open.

Julie got me some meat rubs for the grill and a barbecue brush that has a reservoir in the handle that pumps sauce through the brush when you need it. Pretty cool! Now to get some meat and start grilling again!

I LOVE hearing people hack up a lung on the bus. Ain’t nuthin’ sweeter.

I sometimes think it would be cool to work on a construction site. I’d want to be on terra firma, so no iron work on a skyscraper, but something like a dump truck driver would be cool.

Man, what an ugly green car.

In all seriousness, probably one of the best hours to listen to radio is Fridays from noon until 1PM CST. Dennis Prager, one of my favorite radio hosts, devotes an entire hour to happiness. Rather fittingly it’s called the Happiness Hour and I highly recommend that you listen to it if you can. Dennis happens to think, and he makes a valid point, that the most important thing you can do is be happy, and it’s really intriguing to listen to the topic that week and understand how it impacts your happiness. He’s on AM1280 here in the Twin Cities and you can listen to him on line as well. It’s not at all political, it’s just about how to be a happier person.

OK, now back to the frivolity…

I would really hate to live along a highway. They put those walls up but how much do they really keep the sound down? I wonder.

Lyric of the day: “Call the police / There’s a madman around” – “West End Girls”, Pet Shop Boys

Bonus lyric: “You think you’re mad, too unstable, kicking in chairs and knocking down tables.”

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