Monday, April 30, 2007

Mangosteen is Pretty Keen

It was a cold and rainy night...

Here I sit, on the computer, with lightning and hail out the window. Is now a good time to be on the computer? Probably not. If I stop mid-sentence...

So here we are on the last day of April. Can't believe it. Seems like just 30 days ago April started. Man how time flies, unless you're in the middle of an audit or getting a Graston treatment. Speaking of which, I had another session today with my new favorite chiropractor and while I was sitting in the waiting room I read an article about mangosteen, which is either the tropical, fruity Bruce Springsteen impersonator or is truly the best thing since cheese in a can. According to the magazine I was reading, it's the latter. This miracle fruit is apparently the cure for all your aches and pains, plus helps prevent the future nasty stuff from happening as well. It was a pretty interesting article and if I find the link to it on-line I'll share it with you. Check it out, I think...

Molson really doesn't like storms, and this is the first one of the season so she's now remembering just why she doesn't care for them. The lightning she doesn't care for, nor the following thunder. She gets way clingy, which would be annoying if it wasn't so darn cute, especially when she throws in the requisite whimper. Such a big baby!

We're both still pretty whipped from the weekend so we decided to take tonight off from training and get to bed early again. Last night I was in bed by 9:30 for the first time since the last time I went to bed that early. Suffice it to say it's been a long time, and while it was nice getting nearly 9 hours of sleep I can still tell my body could use another such night. Hopefully the rain and thunder will diminish by then but even if it doesn't it's cool to lay there and listen to a storm in the middle of the night with the window open.

Love is a battlefield. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

TicketMaster is such a rip-off!! We purchased ticket's to JackFest, a concert being put on by the local Jack-FM radio station. The groups that will be there are Stray Cats, The Pretenders, and ZZ Top. Tickets were only $10, but with the service charges the total came to $48!!! What a joke! The service charges were more than the tickets! What a load. It's a racket. It's a monopoly.

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time...

Eighteen-year-old Charles A. Meriweather broke into a home in northwest Baltimore on the night of November 22-23, 1978, raped the woman who lived there, and then ransacked the house. When he discovered that she only had $11.50 in cash, he asked her, "How do you pay your bills?"

She replied, "By check," and he ordered her to write out a check for thirty dollars. Then he changed his mind and upped it to fifty dollars.

"Who shall I make it out to?" asked the woman, a thirty-four-year-old government employee.

"Charles A. Meriweather," said Charles A. Meriweather, adding, "It better not bounce or I'll be back."

Meriweather was arrested several hours later.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Just A Little Off The Top

It's the end of a long weekend. We didn't get a lot done as far as training in concerned, we just did around 1,100 meters in the pool on Friday night. Saturday the girls got baths and trimmed, and Saturday night Julie trimmed me - my hair that is! We purchased a set of clippers and Julie did a pretty good job of giving me a hair cut! A couple stray hairs here and there but overall she did a really good job. Needless to say there was hair everywhere!

Sunday was another very long day. As you know, the Lakeville Ironman Bike Ride was today, and Julie and I got there around 7:30 AM. We set up the TNT tent and started chatting with potential, current, and past TNT participants. Julie left for a few hours to go to another TNT event for the Nike Women's Marathon and I stayed to hold down the tent, literally. It was a breezy day and we didn't have anything to hold the tent down with (we were on the parking lot so the stakes wouldn't work) so most of the time was standing there holding on to a leg. Around 4:30 PM we tore down and met some TNT folks at Old Chicago for some pizza and beer (and water) and then headed home for some much needed R&R. I definitely go some sun as I'm now sporting a farmer tan, or more appropriately, a sun burn. It was worth it tho as we got some good leads on future TNT folks. Tonight will definitely be an early night - we're both exhausted.

Prior to logging on and updating the blog I spent some time on YouTube. What a great site. I found some very moving videos regarding our armed forces which definitely brought a tear to my eye. What an amazing sacrifice they make! May God continue to bless them.

It's a short post tonight. We hope you all had a great weekend and were able to get outside. For those of you out of state, we had a high in the mid 70's on Saturday and mid 80's today. Gorgeous weather.

I hope you all have a great week. Take care.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Good Columns Worth Reading

Over lunch today I read a number of really good columns that I think are worth sharing. We're really taking gambles on our future and I don't think everyone truly understands what is at stake. I thought these columns make some great points. I hope you take the time to read them.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Just One Extra Hour

We're really enjoying this push of warm weather! By this weekend they're calling for highs in the upper 70's to low 80's! Gotta like that!

Tonight Julie is meeting the Tahoe cycle team at their team training, where they will have a little birthday celebration for Lucy, the Tahoe team's honoree. She's turning 5 years old today and is the cutest little girl. I'll have to find a picture of her and post it. She's absolutely adorable!

Once Julie gets done we'll head over to Life Time and do some weights. Tomorrow is an off day and Friday we'll put in another good, long swim. Sunday we'll be spending the day at the Lakeville Ironman, which I mentioned the other day. Another busy weekend for sure.

I can't believe next week is May already. I swear we just left March! The time is just flying by, which is a good thing and a bad thing. I like when time flies by when I'm at work but I wish it would slow down the rest of the time. There was an interesting conversation on the radio the other day. They were discussing what people would do if they had an additional hour every day. The answers were the typical ones - sleep, read, spend time with family/friends, etc. I'm thinking I'd like to sleep that extra hour, but, as Julie can testify, I probably wouldn't do that. I'd find something else to do other than get the sleep I need. I'm pretty bad about that, and I'm not sure why. Almost every morning the alarm goes off and I lay there thinking "Tonight I'm going to bed early - that would be awesome" but it never happens. Oh well...

Have a happy hump day, a wonderful Wednesday, a thrilling Thursday, and a fantastic Friday. We'll chat at ya' on the flip side.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We're The Cool, Fun People!

Last night we had another really good swim. We met Coach Bob, Misty from the Tahoe team (who has also signed up to do the Life Time Tri - go Misty!), and Joanna, wife of Jason who is also on the Tahoe team. Everyone did great and worked really hard. By the end of our nearly hour-and-a-half of training we swam around 1,200 meters! We're now feeling good about our stroke and just need to do some fine tuning, some more drill work, and increase our endurance.

We met at the Life Time in Burnsville, which has to be one of the worst clubs we've been in, mainly due to how it's laid out and the pool water was less than pleasing. That said, it still isn't as bad as the Bally's we've been in, but it's definitely not as nice as the LTF in Chan. Maybe we're just spoiled by the fact that the Chan LTF is a newer facility. Either way, we're glad it's in our neck of the woods!

Tonight we'll go running. Julie is doing a great job on her running and I'm trying to work through the shin splints. Last weekend was the first time out since I started seeing the chiropractor and I noticed a huge improvement already. I'm still supposed to go at 50% for the next couple of weeks, but by then Julie will be so far ahead of me I won't be able to catch up!

I've changed our "Training Tracker" (right side of the page) from time in the pool to meters swam. I'm also going to go back and include the training that we've done since the beginning of the season and update everything accordingly. Hopefully I can get that done in the next week. I'll add it to my list of things to do.... ;-)

This Sunday is the Lakeville Ironman bike ride. I believe they have rides of 30, 60 and 100 miles. Julie and I will be working the TNT tent so stop by and say hello if you get the chance. Come on out and do the ride as well! If you're a past TNT participant wear your TNT garb and show that TNT spirit! We'll have a lot of past and present TNTer's out there so watch for us! We're the cool, fun people!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Just Playful Discussions - No Harm, No Foul

The morning goes by so fast and then the afternoon drags... What's up with that?!

Got into heated discussions this morning with Kevin (a guy I work with) about pretty much all things politics. To say we don't see eye to eye is an understatement, although the fights aren't usually bloody they can get pretty emotional, and today we pulled in others around us the conversation was so interesting. Today's "discussion" started with Boris Yeltsin dying and moved to topics ranging from human rights violations, democracy as a form of government, pollution, Iraq, literacy rates of foreign countries, Guantanimo Bay, Al Gore, George Bush, wind power, solar power, coal plants, female genocide in China, and back to democracies. There was a logical path from one thing to the next even though these topics seem rather disjointed, and when all was said and done there are never any hard feelings. Just "playful" "discussions". Of course, for the record, he's always wrong.

Looking forward to swimming tonight even though I'm quite tired. Didn't sleep well, but we're looking to build on the progress we made last night and keep the momentum going.

Love me like a rock.

I Don't Like Prunes

Long time - no post. Things have been crazy (as usual) so I'm trying to get a quick post in this morning before heading to my next appointment for my shin splints.

What a beautiful weekend! Temps were in the 70's and we took advantage of it! Saturday morning we had some things to take care of but got home and went for a run and then did some work outside. Brought the grill around to the back patio, got the patio furniture out, opened up the umbrella (but not for too long as it was a bit windy), Julie re-potted some flowers, and I patched some spots in the yard where the grass was dead. Saturday evening we went to Julie and Chuck's house. Julie and Chuck are dear, dear, wonderful, beautiful, smart, creative, compassionate, sexy, trim, clothed, and funny friends of ours. Chuck made some juicy and delicious burgers on the grill and Julie kept us entertained with her wonderful, quick wit. On top of that we played cards and had a few adult beverages. What a delightful evening.

Sunday evening we met Tahoe coach Bob at Life Time and he checked out our swim technique and gave us some pointers and things to work on. Well, by the time he got there that is. He had never been to the Chanhassen LTF so he got lost on the way there. Needless to say we did an hour in the pool, time in the spa, Bob showed up, and then spent another 45 minutes in the pool and more time in the spa. We looked like prunes when all was said and done, but it was soooo worth it. It was a very productive session with Bob and we'll be doing it again this evening.

Well, I gotta hit it. Everyone have a great week!!! Hopefully, I'll be back to blogging on a regular basis, so check back in and say hello!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Evil Strikes

I'm not sure really what to say about the murders that took place at Virginia Tech that hasn't already been said. I've been reading about it, as I'm sure you have, and have also read different views on it from various columnists. There are a lot of things being said and accusations flying around, but I think we need to remember that one evil killer did this and, as much as you can second-guess what was done or could have been done, you have to believe that everyone wishes this wouldn't have happened and that everyone involved would have done anything they could to stop it. Throwing blame around isn't helping any right now. Later on we can look at what can be improved, but to blame anyone other than the killer for this is not right. Let's just focus on the victims and their families and everyone affected by this tragedy.

Monday night we had a great Tahoe team meeting dealing with bike maintenance. We learned some stuff and had some great brats! Last night was the mentor training for fall season which went really well. We've got another group of great mentors ready to make the fall season a very successful one. And as long as you have pizza how can a meeting go wrong?!

Tonight we will be doing some weights and swimming. The shin splints are improving which I'm thankful for considering how enjoyable the visits are. It's good to see the progress. I'll probably start running a little over the next week or so but I'm supposed to continue taking it easy on that aspect of the training. But things are improving so we'll focus on that!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Ides Have It

It was a busy but productive weekend, with some training and hanging with friends. The weather was beautiful and we started getting the summer furniture out. All in all a great weekend.

Saturday we went to Life Time and did some weights and then went to swim. We worked on our drills that were on the video I mentioned in previous posts (a video we highly recommend). We're doing the drills one at a time, meaning that while Julie is swimming I'm watching her mechanics and making sure she's in the right position, and likewise she does the same for me. We don't claim to be experts from just watching a video but we think this is really helping, even though we are pretty much just doing the basics.

After we got finished with working out at Life Time we went over to Bally's to meet the Tahoe cycle team who was doing their last in-door training! While we didn't spin with them we did do some core work with a Jason and Misty.

By the time we got home we had enough time to lay down for a bit then went over to our friends Jen and Marc's house to play some cards, eat some pizza, and drink some adult beverages. We played five games of Hand and Foot (a great game if you've never played it) with the guys winning 3 games and the gals winning two. Got home around 2:30 in the morning.

On Sunday we met the Tahoe team over at Calhoun and did about 22 miles - it was GREAT to be back outside riding again! We had a decent turnout and got a good workout in before heading over to Chipotle for some much needed nourishment. Post Chipotle we headed back over to Life Time and did more swim drills before heading home around 7:30 PM.

It was a great weekend and man are we exhausted. We'll be turning in early tonight as it's going to be a long week. Monday we have a Tahoe team meeting, Tuesday is the fall mentor meeting, Wednesday is training, Thursday is Salute To Heroes, and then we're back to the weekend again for three more days of training. The time is just flying by. We're already half-way through April - thankfully the weather is starting to feel like it!

We hope you all have a great week! And remember, on the road of life make sure you have your tires adequately inflated.

Friday, April 13, 2007


After a tough and frustrating swim on Wednesday night Julie and I have decided we need to go back to square one and work on the basics regarding our stroke. We're going to increase the number of times we go each week and really concentrate on getting the basics down before moving on. The video we watched last weekend really helped us to better understand things like finding your neutral position and helped with visualizing the different aspects of the freestyle. Hopefully, we can get a solid foundation to build on.

The treatments for my shin splints are going ok. I'm noticing a difference, but wow is it a tough ten minutes each time I go in. My shins and calves are sensitive to the touch so when he digs in with his metal scraper deal I feel it! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to start running again. We'll see how it goes.

I find myself increasingly wanting to comment on the news of the day but I'd like to keep this a "fun" blog and focus on our training, fundraising, and the lighter side. Some things I may just have to comment on just because I'm so frustrated or worked up, but I'll try and keep that to a minimum. Or, if it gets too bad, I may just have to start a second blog to get my thoughts out and share things I've learned or found as we move from day to day.

On thing I really need to comment on is the whole Imus thing. While I agree that what he said was completely unacceptable and demeaning and wrong, I don't agree with him being silenced over it, or that one or two people can decide for everyone else what is acceptable and not acceptable. I'm afraid this is only the beginning. Who knows who they'll go after next just because they don't like what they have to say. I'd rather live in a country that has freedom of speech and allows someone like Imus to have a program (I can always change the channel) than live in a country where censorship is allowed and determined by a select few.

Ok, on to something else. Today is Friday the 13th! Any of you fearful of today? I did a little research and found the following in a book I have called "That Book of Perfectly Useless Information":

The fear of the number 13 - or "triskaidekaphobia" as it's technically known - goes back a long way. According to Scandinavian mythology, there was a banquet in Valhalla into which Loki (the god of strife) intruded - thereby making thirteen guests - and where Balder (the god of light) was murdered. In Christian countries this superstition was confirmed by the Last Supper.

Meanwhile, Friday is considered unlucky because it was the day of the crucifixion and because Adam and Eve at the forbidden fruit on Friday and also died on Friday. Some Buddhists and Brahmins (high-caste Hindus) also consider Friday to be unlucky. In combining superstitions about both Friday and the number thirteen, Friday the 13th is feared as being twice as frightful.

Bad things that have happened on a Friday the 13th include these: a violent earthquake in Turkey killed more than a thousand people (March 1992), a hurricane in Britain left nine people dead (January 1984), and a plane crash left survivors stranded in the Andes without food and compelled them to turn to cannibalism to stay alive (October 1972).

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Missing: Spring. Last Seen: 2006.

This is just not right! Here we are, Wednesday, April 11th, and we're getting measurable snow! In years past I may have just passed it off as one more pretty snowfall, but now that we're itching to get outside and do some training I'm getting increasingly frustrated with this cold weather! It hasn't been above normal temperature-wise yet this April even though it's been "officially" spring for more than 3 weeks. I want my money back!

Each time we step foot into a spin room for training it gets that much more difficult, and last night was no exception. We did a 1/2 hour spin followed by 45 minutes of a challenging core workout. Everyone continues to be enthusiastic about the trainings which is a tribute to the coaches, mentors, the TNT program itself, and is also because we seem to have a really cohesive group. It will be great to get outside, tho.

Tonight we have swim. Julie and I watched a swim video on Easter that helped make things a little more clear regarding the techniques and the drills. We're anxious to continue working on this aspect of our training.

I have a prayer request. Betsy Lucas, one of our team honorees, will be getting biopsy test results back today. Please pray for good news and for strength for Betsy and her family.

Thanks as always to everyone who has supported us throughout our training and fundraising. We couldn't do it without you.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Paper or Plastic?

I went to see a specialist, a chiropractor, about my increasingly painful shin splints. He did a quick check of my legs and proceeded with a treatment called the Graston Technique. Apparently, I have shin splints caused by a sort of fibrosis in my leg tissues. (Does it sound like I know what I'm talking about?) The treatment didn't feel especially pleasant but afterwards I did feel like he made a difference. I'll be seeing him 2-3 times per week and won't be able to train for the run for a couple weeks at least. I'll just devote more time to swimming and spinning, and continue to run in the pool. I told Julie that I was hesitant to mention any past issues for fear of him seeing dollar signs when he looked at me!


Some random thoughts...

What ever happened to free speech? If someone wants to say something stupid and insensitive it's their right to do so. Criticize them? Absolutely. Call them on it? You bet. Should he be silenced? No. It's all about free speech. Am I wrong here?

I'm enjoying the new Snow Patrol song - "You're All I Have". Also heard a song on the radio this weekend that we haven't heard in quite a while - "Take Your Time (Do It Right) Part 1" by The S.O.S. Band, circa 1980. Fun song.

Do you know what your blood type is?

Pet peeve: not knowing how to correctly bag groceries. Rarely these days does a bagger know that the soap does NOT go in the same bag as the meat and that the Clorox doesn't go in the same bag as the fruit. We might bag groceries at a local grocery store as a fundraiser and I'm actually looking forward to it as a chance to work this frustration out of my system. I know, quite sad.

Honestly, why is Chipotle so darn addicting?

If I was ever going to be in a band I'd want to be in a fun cover band. A band with a great rhythm section and horns. Oh, and tight harmonies. That would be cool. I'd also think it would be great to own my own radio station. You know, instead of Jack-FM it would be Pat-FM. I seem to remember a contest that MTV had back in the 80's where you could win your own radio station. I thought that was a cool prize.


Sound Effects:
Ben Burtt, a talented USC college student, recorded most of the sounds needed for Star Wars. Some of his secrets:
- Chewbacca's voice was created from a combination of walrus, badger, sea lion, three different bears, and bear cub recordings. After mixing the sounds together, Burtt changed the pitch and slowed them down to "match" a Wookie photo Lucas had sent him.
- The light sabers were a combination of humming film projectors and static from Burtt's TV set.
- The Jaws spoke a mixture of sped-up Swahili and Zulu dialects.
- R2-D2's "voice" was Burtt's own voice combined with sounds of bending pipes and metal scraping around in dry ice.

-From Uncle John's Legendary Lost Bathroom Reader

Sunday, April 8, 2007


At some point is it going to start feeling like spring?! Yet another day well below normal but at least we broke the 40 degree mark. It was one of those deceiving days - you look out the window and it's beautiful and you step outside to cold temps and a brisk wind. It's not looking like it will be normal temps any time soon, either.

Yesterday Julie and I went to meet the run/walk teams. We were originally thinking of training with them but when we got there we realized we didn't really prepare for the cold temps, so we drove a couple miles down the trail and cheered them on as they passed. We then went to the Tahoe team spin training, where we got in a good hour spin. Unfortunately, my back has been acting up a little the last couple of days (along with nasty shin splints when I run/walk) so I wasn't able to push it too much on the bike. Today we went to Life Time and got a good hour swim in before hitting the hot tub and heading home. Things are still progressing but it's getting a little frustrated. One of our mentors loaned us a swim video and DVD which we watched tonight, and I think it will really help us with some of our drills and mechanics. We'll see!

I've got an issue about which I'm curious what your feedback is. At Life Time they have a hot tub/spa that has a large sign right at the steps saying something to the effect of "You must be at least 18 years old to use the Spa". While we were in there (and this happens almost every time we're there) children would come in with their parents. I really have an issue with this, and the issue isn't whether or not we were able to use the hot tub but it is with the parents. What type of message is it sending to the kids? "Well, Johnny, there is clearly a sign that says you must be 18 but we're going to ignore that because it doesn't apply to us. We can choose which rules we follow and which ones we don't." How is the child going to know which other rules don't apply to them? Shouldn't the parent be setting an example here? I'm sure if it was me my parents would have said "No" and that would have been the end of it. Things like this seem to be happening more these days. Parents need to be parents.

Our nephew Brian is doing something really cool on his website (linked at the right). You'll have to go and check it out. You can read about it in one of his posts (it deals with plagiarism) and it's something that you can take part in and add to. It's pretty neat so you should check it out.

We hope you all had a nice Easter, and that you were able to find all the eggs the Easter Bunny hid at your house.

Friday, April 6, 2007

O Sacred Head

There is a version of this song (or hymn if you will) that's on Amy Grant's album "My Father's Eyes" that is just beautiful. I listen to it every Good Friday.

O sacred Head now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down
Now scornfully surrounded,
With thorns Thine only crown
How art Thou pale with anguish,
With sore abuse and scorn
How dost that visage languish
Which once was bright as morn

What language shall I borrow
To thank Thee dearest friend
For this Thy dying sorrow,
Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever,
And should I fainting be
Lord let me never, never
Outlive my love to Thee.

(Paul Gerhardt, J. W. Alexander, Hans Hassler, 16th Lent, Bach)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

All That Junk Inside Your Trunk

Last night Julie and I went to Life Time and did some laps in the pool. It's encouraging as each time we go we feel like we're getting a little closer. One of our goals for the month of April is to be able to swim 4 laps without stopping, which we were able to do last night fairly easily. One thing we'll do next time, tho, is time ourselves on how long that takes us to try to get an idea on what our pace is. We were discussing it last night and we think it should take 30-45 minutes for the swim portion of our event so it will be interesting to see how long it would take us at our current pace. I'm guessing it would be closer to an hour but I know we'll only get faster the more we train.

On the fundraising side things are starting to pick up a little. We're both a little over half-way to our minimum fundraising amount but are still just under half-way to our goal of $5,000. We are giving away a free TNT cookbook with every donation of $50 or more which has helped secure a few donations. We'll also be doing some additional fundraisers in the next few months. We're still collecting old cell phones so if you have any to donate please send them our way! Thanks!


Even though it doesn't feel like spring right now (wind chills this morning are around zero) it's exciting to see the baseball season now underway. The Tigers had an eight-run inning in yesterday's game and managed to hold on for the victory, 10-9. This should be and fun season as the American League Central is arguably the best division in baseball. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the Tigers a few times this year when they visit the Twins.


It must be spring break for one of the schools this week. As I said, Julie and I were at Life Time last night and there were teenagers in the pool and hanging out in the hot tubs, which I thought was rather interesting. It was obviously a planned thing, but I don't recall being that age and everyone deciding to go hang out at the YMCA. Although, I wasn't necessarily part of the "in" crowd, so who knows. Maybe the cool kids did go hang out there. It's always funny to watch kids at that age, especially the boys. The girls pretty much just talk to themselves while the boys stand there flexing their muscles and trying not to be obvious that they're checking out the girls. Oh, one day they'll be old like me and won't be flexing muscles but will be holding in their guts as they walk around the pool...


Ok, I heard about this video being on YouTube when I was in the car last night and they played part of it and I thought it was one of the funniest things I've heard in quite a while, and the video is even funnier. Alanis Morissette has a cover of "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas which is brilliant. It makes it painfully obvious how incredibly stupid the lyrics are these days to most of the music out there. You've gotta check it out.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Rain Drops Keep Fallin' On My Head

I am so tired of the rain! It feels like it's been raining for a week now and it won't be sunny until Wednesday from what I hear. Ridiculous! Lake Gibson is still hanging around in the back yard, and if it stays this way we may put the house up and sell it as lake front property! I suppose this means we'll have mosquitoes, the MN state bird, as thick as thieves this year. Yippee. We may actually have to invest in a bat house even tho Julie can't stand them. I hear they are great for getting rid of mosquitoes. By the way, where does the phrase "thick as thieves" come from anyway?

As much as we wanted to stay in the house all day today Julie and I did manage to go work out at Life Time. We did some weights and core work, doing a combination of exercises from both Ingrid's and Bob's core workouts. As we left we were glad we made the effort to go, although I'm still not feeling that great. We needed to feel like we actually accomplished something today, so in that regard it was a success.

With today being April Fools Day I did a little research to find out how the whole idea of April Fools got started. In my book "Uncle John's Legendary Lost Bathroom Reader" I found this. Why is April 1 a "fools' day"? The most plausible explanation is this. "Until 1564 it was a tradition to begin the New Year with a week of celebration, ending with a big party. But the calendar was different then; the New Year began on March 25, and the biggest party fell on April 1. People who forgot - or didn't realize - what had happened and still showed up to celebrate on April 1 were called 'April fools.'" Interesting.

Here is an actual April Fools joke, also from my Uncle John's book. In 1992 National Public Radio's "Talk of the Nation" news show announced on April 1 that Richard Nixon had entered the race for president. They actually interviewed the "former president" (played by impressionist Rich Little) on the air. "I never did anything wrong," he announced, "and I won't ever do it again." Listeners actually called the show to comment. "Nixon is more trustworthy than Clinton," one remarked. "Nixon never screwed around with anyone's wife except his own. And according to some accounts, not even with her."