Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Double the Trees


…and that is how I became known as George.

I was going to write an entire blog post backwards but I couldn’t reach the keyboard.

If some biological freak of nature occurred and all languages were wiped clean from the earth how would we create a new language? You know, like in Men In Black where you look at their little pen deal and it makes you forget things, what if something like that happened and we had no memories of verbal communication and couldn’t read or write? Would the “new” language we create be at all similar to what we had? I think this topic is deserving if its own post. The questions and possibilities are endless. Endless I tell you!

I like Fig Newtons. Just the plain old Fig Newtons, not all the different flavors and what not.

And what not. An interesting way to end a sentence or thought, and what does it mean? I like how it sounds and what not. It just seems to tie up a sentence well, and yet, I’m not really sure what I’m saying… and what not.

Speaking of names, Delano is one you don’t hear much anymore.

Just call me Angel of the Morning.

When I was a kid we lived a few houses down from this really great family. The mother and father of that family were like a second set of parents to me – we were quite close. I remember going down to their house and the father, whom I called Daddy M, would come outside in the morning with some burnt toast that he was eating for breakfast. He would try to get me to eat it by telling me that eating burnt toast puts hair on your chest. At which point I would come to a couple of conclusions: 1) he must eat a lot of burnt toast, and 2) why would I WANT a hairy chest?

That maid from “The Jeffersons” was a hoot!


The bus driver will announce the stop he’s coming up to in case you want to get off the bus. When we’re downtown he announces every cross street – 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. If I was the bus driver I think I’d skip a street every once in a while just to panic people. “4th…. 5th… 7th… just kidding! 6th…”

So, was the first Doubletree hotel opened next to a hotel that only had ONE tree? “You get DOUBLE the trees at OUR hotel!”

Can I be Frank with you? I need someone to Jimmy the lock because I lost my key. I better be careful or they’ll call Adam 12 and then the landlord will Sue me for damages. I suppose I could just call my landlord and maybe he’d Grant me temporary access. I must have accidentally threw my keys away when I acted on the decision to Chuck my empty water bottle into the river. It did Bob for a while before it sank. I imagine if I DID find my keys they’ll be Rusty now. Oh well. I guess I’ll just go get a cup of Joe.

And before he leaves downtown he usually says “This is 696 express to Chaska blah blah blah.” I think I would throw something in there like “Albuquerque” or “Memphis”.

Lyric of the day: “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” – “Mmm Mmm Mmm”, Crash Test Dummies


Anonymous said...

Even I'm starting to get concerned about the randomness of these posts! Oh well, just stand Pat and Phil in the empty pages so I have something to Reed periodically.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOO YOOOOOOOOOOU. HAPPY BIRRRRRTHDAY TO PAAAA-AAAAAAAT. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOOOOU. How's the new job going? Still waiting for the updated info.... Hope you have a wonderful 25th birthday! Love, Ang