Monday, March 17, 2008

The Byerly's Euphoria


We have a different bus driver on this snowy St. Patrick’s Day. A woman who got on the bus behind me asked the driver why she didn’t stop at the last pick-up point. Ooops.

May all your lights be green.

So…. Snow. Normally I like snow, but in the middle of March not so much. It’s time for spring, by golly. We’re itching to get the bikes out and be done with spinning in a small, hot spin room. Hopefully by the end of the month we’ll be able to do that.

Of course, some people ride their bikes year-round. Eric, who was our coach for our century ride in 2006, puts a few thousand miles a year on his bike and rides it everywhere. He’s one of those guys that is built to ride a bike. That’s not me. I’m more built to ride in a car. Or the bus.

Euphoria: A simple change to which syllable you emphasize and it’s what Danny DeVito would ask the voters regarding his wife Rhea Pearlman when it came time to vote for the Emmy Awards. “You for Rhea?”

“You can’t eat your pudding if you don’t eat your meat! How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?”

Byerly’s: My friend Lee was in the market for a new home so we went through an open house. It was a bright, sunny day and when we went inside to look around Lee set his sunglasses on the kitchen counter. After taking a tour of the place we were getting ready to leave and the realtor, seeing the sunglasses on the counter, asked whose they were. I replied, “They’re buyer Lee’s”.

What else would a mountain be capped with if not snow?

Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage. A horse and carriage? Is that why, when you get married, they say you got hitched? And, if marriage is like a horse and carriage, who is the horse and who is the carriage? I think Julie would quickly say which part of the horse I am. Lovingly, of course.

Lyric of the day: “You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds! Stand still laddy!” – “Another Brick In The Wall (Part II)”, Pink Floyd

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