Thursday, August 14, 2008

Joe Bad the Nomad

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of taking a city bus to and from work. This isn’t the first time I’ve ridden the city bus, but it doesn’t happen that often. For the public-transportation-challenged I ride one of the bus lines from the suburbs, and from what I’ve heard, the Southwest buses are the best. But, I digress…

I’m sitting near the front of the bus on the way home and we’re still in downtown. I’m in one of those seats where your back is to the side of the bus. It was crowded and there was standing room only, and right in front of me was a “gentleman” probably in his late 40’s, a little disheveled looking, dark rings under his beady eyes, thinning hair, sunglasses and an army surplus coat.

As he’s standing there his phone rings. Normally, not a problem. Most people will turn off their cell phones at that point. They may or may not answer it, but most will keep the conversation brief and quiet. MOST will. But this nomad (we’ll call him Joe Bad the Nomad) was not most people.

He loudly answers his phone and begins a colorful conversation with what appears to be his dealer. Joe Bad wants the same “stuff” he bought from his dealer last month, and he wants his entire supply. Joe Bad relays the fact that he’s on the bus and heading over and will discuss the “details of the transaction” when he departs.

Before our 20 minute ride was over he had received no less than 4 more calls and they all appeared to be in the same vein as the first conversation. Such a colorful world.

Lyric of the Day:
“One little problem that confronts you
Got a monkey on your back
Just one more fix, Lord might do the trick
One hell of a price for you to get your kicks” – “That Smell”, Lynyrd Skynyrd

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Smells Like Beef

So, there was this dude who like totally dropped off the face of the earth (well, ok, not literally) for a long time and when he came home, his father had his finest cow slaughtered in celebration of his return. I’m assuming beef will be served shortly.

Yeah, it’s been a while, huh? (Insert sounds of crickets here.) Back to playing to an empty room – just me and the janitor guy from Billy Joel’s music video for “For The Longest Time”. Or was he in Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”?

Anyway, no excuses here for the lack of a posting over the last 15 years, but I will say I’ve been quite busy. And there is so much to say!

Many of you know (or both of you depending on how many still blow the dust off the blog by paying a visit – and what does “paying a visit” mean anyway? Does one have only X number of visits and they use up one to come read this drivel? I digress…) Where was I? Oh yeah, so both of you know I participated in the Life Time Fitness Triathlon on Saturday, July something-or-other. I did the sprint distance this year and it went swimmingly. HA! Get it? Swimmingly. I improved on both my swim and bike pace and was the same on the run. I would have improved there as well if it wasn’t for developing a blister from my brand new kicks. I guess it’s true when they tell us to not try anything new on race day. Whodathunk?

If you were one of the many who donated to help me raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society then I thank you! I surpassed my goal with your help! Julie is still fundraising for her duathlon, so if you haven’t yet donated and would like to do so please visit her web page linked on the right side of this web page. That would be my left, your right, because you know I’m watching you through your computer screen. Hi! But seriously, we appreciate your support as we try to further the Society’s mission. Thank you!

Lyric of the Day:

“Seulement entre toi et moi, Means that our love will always be just between you and me” – “Just Between You and Me”, April Wine