Thursday, March 6, 2008

Officer, It's Like Deja Vu


For the second morning in a row the alarm went off and a Police song was playing. Same exact time, same channel, different song. What are the odds?

The woman behind me on the bus has on headphones but I can still hear the music she’s listening to. Right now it’s the remake of the Monkees’ “I’m a Believer” – a remake which truly annoys me. The original is OK, but the remake stinks. Same with the Counting Crows version of “Big Yellow Taxi” – terrible.

I’ve decided to fundraise again this year for the Society. Once I have my web site set up I’ll be posting it here. Well, not right HERE, but somewhere on the blog page, so keep your eyes open. If you would be so generous and help me raise money to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and their cancer research and patient aid programs I would be most grateful.

Speaking of fundraisers, we have two AWESOME fundraisers going on, and I’ll tell you about them now.

The first fundraiser is through the Minnesota Twins. For the Twins game on Saturday, May 3rd against the Detroit Tigers I will be selling upper level reserved seats (behind home plate) for only $20 each. For every ticket I sell $8 goes to the Society. As if helping a great cause wasn’t enough to make you say “Hey Pat! I’ll buy some tickets!” you will ALSO be able to take part in a parade walking around the stadium – on the field! – while the players are warming up! How sweet is that?! It’s only available to people who buy tickets through the Society (and me!) so please let me know if you’d like to buy some tickets. The Twins have given us 500 tickets and they will probably go fast – I’m not the only one selling them – so let me know as soon as you can if you’re interested. I already have the tickets to give to you. Oh, and there will be a Society representative (probably a survivor or someone going through treatment now) that will be throwing out the first pitch! Way cool!

The second fundraiser we have going on is another dinner and silent auction at Gasthof. If you’ve been there before you know how great the food is and how much fun it is. If you haven’t been there then this is the perfect opportunity for you to try it out. The event will be held on Sunday, April 13th and tickets are $25 each. When you come you’ll get an all-you-can-eat German dinner buffet, a glass of wine or beer, be able to listen to the strolling accordion players, and take part in the auction where you can bid on some great items! Last fall we had over 400 people attend and we made almost $8,000 on the silent auction alone! So come on out and enjoy a great Sunday afternoon at Gasthof!

Is it just me or did the week go by fast? Dunno, it seems like it did to me. I hope it was a good one for you.

Lyric of the day: “I woke last night to the sound of thunder, how far off I sat and wondered.” – “Night Moves”, Bob Seger

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