Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Parrots, Wrestling, Vandalism, Piglets & Sextuplets

Just some fun stuff today. Enjoy!

Parrot? Check. Twine? Check.

Me after one of my high school wrestling matches.

OK, weird story, but looking at the mug shots these are two women I don't think I'd want to double-cross!!

What do you say to this one? I really don't know.

And what would be on your list of things to do after giving birth to sextuplets?

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Mad Hatter

Did you watch any of the US Open? I only saw Tiger’s putt yesterday on 18 to send it to a playoff, but what a putt it was. He is such a tremendous athlete. Some people don’t like that he’s dominated golf so much, but just think how 30 years from now you can tell kids how you saw Tiger Woods play. Definitely one of the best golfers ever, and we get to watch him live.

Friday night the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society had their Man & Woman of the Year Gala. Julie and I were again in charge of compiling all the information from both the silent and the live auctions. We had about 10 candidates (I think 5 men and 5 women) competing and over the 10 weeks the campaign ran they raised $200,000 and counting! Incredible!

I want to buy a hat, not a baseball cap or some novelty hat or a cowboy hat, but a hat nonetheless. Perhaps something to wear when driving, or hanging out by the pool, something cool. Julie is against the idea and probably for good reason. Feel free to send me any suggestions you may have.

Julie and I couldn’t believe the news that Tim Russert had died. Everything I’ve read and seen has confirmed that he was really a great guy. It was a feeling I know I always got when I watched him. He was so passionate about politics and offered great insight and really broke things down. I’ve been wanting to get his books and read them, especially “Big Russ and Me” which is about his relationship with his father. Now I really want to get it.

I think it would be cool to be a locomotive engineer. That’s the guy that drives the train, right? That seems like it would be a cool job. I always wonder where the tracks go, what do they see. Fascinating.

Here is a picture of me standing with my first truck.

Isn’t it ironic? So, with the fuel prices being as high as they are more and more people are either taking the bus or are thinking about it. Well, I get on the bus today and am handed a piece of paper detailing how, due to rising fuel costs, they are eliminating some stops, routes and scheduled runs. Why? Because of the rising fuel costs. Is it ironic? I mean, it’s not like it’s a black fly in your Chardonnay, but hey, it seems ironic to me.

Lyric of the Day:
"Gliddy Glub Gloopy
Nibby Nabby Noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba Sibby Sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba nabba
Early morning singing song."
- "Good Morning Starshine", Oliver

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Some Good Reading

Just a quick post this morning. I've been reading a lot of really good columns lately and wanted to quickly put some links out here so you can read them if you want. More to come later. Have a great day!

Offshore Drilling

Windfall Profits

Gas Prices