Friday, March 14, 2008

For Cryin' Out Louden


I love Fridays. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that in prior posts but it’s worth repeating again. I love Fridays! And this morning on the way to Target to get on the bus “Friday I’m In Love” by the Cure came on the radio. Perhaps one day I’ll compile a list of Friday songs or songs about the days of the week. Wouldn’t that be terribly interesting?

Any of you smoke cigars?

There is a lady who rides the bus every afternoon, only the westbound ride, and she must have some terrible back issues. She can never sit for the entire ride and will usually stand hugging the seat in front of her. She brings her own pillow to sit on and never really seems to be comfortable. It must be terrible. I’ve had back issues but not like she must be going through. And she wears two pairs of pants – not sure what that’s about.

I usually sit on the left side of the bus on the way home, that way I’m not getting hot sitting in the sun. This is a repeat topic from a previous post so I’ll stop right there.

A seal walks into a club…

Champagne… not a huge fan…

I wonder if people driving in their cars can see me in the bus. Or is the glass dark enough and there’s enough of a reflection that they can’t see me? I can see them.

So, a high-end call girl sets you back as much as $5,000 an hour, huh? Boy, I remember in the OLD days…

Last night on Letterman’s Top 10 they had the top 10 rejected names for Dr. Seuss books. My favorite was “Obama’s in Pajamas”.

I heard SuperValu was changing their name to SuperDuperValu.

Lyric of the day: “Take a whiff on me, that ain’t no rose” – “Dead Skunk”, Loudon Wainwright


Anonymous said...

Man you got issues. Are you sure you're not ADD? What's with starting the joke and then leaving us hangin'?

I don't think they can see you through the bus window. Try giving someone the finger to test it out.


Pat Gibson said...

What joke didn't I finish?

I'll have to think about the whole finger deal. That would be one way of finding out, tho.