Friday, February 16, 2007

The Fighter

Not much new tonight. Been thinking a lot about Laura this week (see prayer request below) and praying that God gives her and her family the strength and comfort they need. It's truly a blessing when you read through the guest book and witness how many lives she has touched. God bless you, Laura. If the rest of us could be HALF the person you are we'd be doing alright.

Julie and I took a day off from our tri training, although Julie did go to a Pilates class. Tomorrow we run at 8 AM and spin at 10 AM. After that we hope to get over to Marathon Sports and buy some new shoes, a training essential that we're in desperate need of. Our current shoes have lost their bounce.

The temps outside are finally starting to warm up a little - a downright heat wave! Tomorrow should be close to 20! Who'da thunk that 20 would feel so balmy? Should be great weather to run, although may be a bit windy.

Julie was just telling me there was a woman on the Today show this morning who has had the hiccups non-stop for 3 weeks. 3 weeks!! I get annoyed if they last 5 minutes! Apparently the doctors don't know what is causing it. She needs Valium just to try and get some sleep at night. Can't imagine. The freaky thing is that the hiccups stop when she's talking. Weird.

I mentioned TV commercials in my previous post and would be remiss if I didn't mention how irritating the Jared commercials are. "He went to Jared!" "He went to Jared?" "He went to Jared!" For this reason alone I shall never step foot in the place. I can't believe there would be anyone out there who LIKES these commercials...

Short post today. Want to get to bed and get a decent night's sleep. Y'all come back now, ya' hear?

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

I hope you had fun today at your double workout.

As for the hippup lady, I would go NUTS if I went that long.