Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How ya' feelin'?!

Wow, what a workout last night!

Started with a half-hour spin. Coach Mike led us through a fun ride that never left the (interesting? cozy? dungeonous?) confines of what used to be a racquetball court. Mike must have been talking to Safety Bob about music selection because my beloved "Le Disko" made an appearance!

Now, had we stopped at just the spin it would have been pretty good, but the fun was only beginning. Upon exiting the spin room/racquetball court/dungeon we went to the aerobics room where Coach Ingrid put us through a tough, fast-paced workout. Let's just say I'm not Joe Flexible ("I'm not Joe Flexible", very good) but that didn't stop me from attempting some of the moves that Igrid had us doing. As I looked around the room (I was slowly spinning to the ground right before I blacked out) I noticed most of the others were not having as hard a time as I was; although I shouldn't sell myself short, every time she'd say "take a second and drink some water" I was all over it. I got that move DOWN!

When it was all said and done we had a very good hour-long workout, and we're actually not feeling that bad this morning. Tonight is the swim. Looking forward to it. Really, we are. :-)


Amigo Jim said...

I guess with those "THUNDER THIGHS"
swimming should be no problem.....:)

MNFirefly said...

Wow! Hang in there with the workouts.