Monday, February 5, 2007

Eating Air

I believe we're now at 65+ straight hours below zero and counting....

I've added a new link. It's to my nephew's website. He's an aspiring movie director and has some really cool stuff that he's created and posted on his website. My favorite so far is a piece called "Sylvan" - about half-way down on his home page. If you have trouble viewing it you might be able to watch it on YouTube. Pretty cool! Very proud of him. Way to go Brian!

We received a wonderful gift in the mail today from my Godson Derek. He lives in Maumee, OH, and he created a great piece called "My Favorite Place", written and illustrated by Derek Huddleston. In it he explains why Minnesota is his favorite place because his friends live there and his favorite dogs live there. My favorite part is where he says "At Minnesota I can eat cookies and food and water and air and drink." What else do you need?! Thank you, Derek!

I've had many questions on where "Crash 'n' Numb Toes" comes from, so I'll spill the beans. I, Patrick, am "Crash". During one day of training for our century ride last Fall I got a flat tire and crashed twice. It was NOT a good day; however, the fantastic burger and a few glasses of beer at Shaw's helped to ease the pain and soothe the ego. Julie is "Numb Toes". Also during our training for the century ride Julie would often comment on our long rides that her toes would go numb. Not really sure what was causing it, but I would equate it to attempting to eat when you can't feel the fork you're holding. Weird. Anti-climactic, huh?

Peace out.

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