Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

It's been a crazy week, busy with meetings, training and meeting up with friends.

Tonight was our swim training. Learned a few modifications on our technique. Still trying to get the whole breathing thing down, but that will come with more time in the pool. We had a good turnout and shared some mission moments to remind us why we're here and why we're raising this much-needed money. Yesterday we went to Life Time and rode the bike for a while before heading out to dinner with the walk team from Phoenix. It was good to see our friends again.

There have been many things I've seen over the last few days that I've wanted to put in the blog. I'll just mention some of the ones that particularly caught my eye.

First, some friends of ours went ice fishing this past Saturday. One thing that should be noted is that the only one that is the "outdoorsy" type is Chuck - the one proudly holding the fish in the picture below. They sent us this picture and I thought the caption below it was priceless. That and Chandler's crooked face mask (the boy in the picture) had me laughing for quite a while.

The caption below the picture said about Chandler: "He even helped to pull it in... someday he may even touch the fish." Priceless!! You go Chandler!!

Random thought: It occurred to me that if I had an autographed picture of Jerry Mathers that in my will, when I'm making my list of who gets what, I'd put "Autographed picture of Jerry Mathers: Please leave it to Beaver."

Yet again someone else gets all the fun. All the family folk and friends in Ohio are enjoying Mother Nature's present of a blizzard. For some reason, tho, no one there seems to be enjoying it. Just don't get what's not to love about 12+ inches of snow and white-out conditions.

An appropriate new song for Valentine's Day - "I Think I'm In Love" by Beck. Been hearing that a lot lately. Pretty cool song.

If you could do any job you wanted to what would you do? Before you answer, it has to be a job outdoors. I often look out the window at work during the summer and think it would be cool and relatively stress free to cut grass for a living. Although, the only days you probably get off would be when it's raining. That would stink.

Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. All you need is love. Love is all you need. Love, love, love.

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

Same to you! I hope both of you got some alone time with each on Valentine's Day.