Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chasing Cars

Before we get started, I must correct my earlier post (from Tuesday I believe) where I said we were training for our first marathon. NOT! We're training for our first TRIathlon!! I'm sure you all knew that anyway, guess I just am stuck in the marathon mind set!

Now to serious business... Why do some people have ALL the fun?! Check out this link which will take you to a story about a couple of towns in upstate New York that have received over 6 FEET of snow since Sunday!! And they have 2 more feet coming by tomorrow! Can you imagine that? How freakin' cool would THAT be?! The only drawback would be that I'd have to shovel a place for the girls to do their business. I think they'd freak.

We've started collecting old/used cell phones for a fundraiser. If you have any old cell phones you'd like to get rid of please let us know! Also, if you know of a good place to put out collection boxes (banks, coffee shops, work, etc) let us know that as well. We've got a half-dozen or so collection boxes that we can scatter around town. It all goes to a great cause!

Another cool song that I really get into when it's on (and it's been out a while) is "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. Such as simple, beautiful song with some lyrics that just get me.
"If I lay here / If I just lay here / Would you lie with me and just forget the world? / Forget what we're told / Before we get too old / Show me a garden that's bursting into life" Such a peaceful idea. Sometimes you just need to take a break, relax, and enjoy life. It offers so much, if you choose to live it.

I guess that's one of the many reasons we are so passionate about TNT. There are so few things in life that give back WAY more than you put in, and TNT is one of them. We're so proud to be involved with this organization, so blessed to have met the fantastic, beautiful people that we have, so inspired by the patients and their families, so amazed at what we've been able to accomplish on both a physical and emotional level. Sometimes life presents you with an opportunity to do more than you ever think you're capable of doing, to push yourself beyond what you think your limits are, to be part of something so much bigger than anything you've been part of before, and when you're at that place and you're living life to it's fullest - that's when you need to step back and thank God for where you are and the blessings you have. That is the beauty of TNT.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you.


Kimmi said...

Heck yes!

MNFirefly said...

AMEN to that!

Amigo Jim said...

What's up with Crash "N" Numbtoes?

I really miss good old "THUNDER THIGHS" :)
Congratulations on training for the TRI. You two will do great and I hope Sandy & I can be there to cheer you on....... :)