Thursday, February 22, 2007

Brewing Storm

Looks like we've got a decent storm brewing for this weekend - I'll believe it when I see it. There's always something that seems to happen to keep the big snow from hitting here. We'll see...

Last night was our swim, and while we thought our arms and legs would feel like lead it wasn't too bad. The legs hurt some (but only because I'm kicking wrong) but I think we're both seeing some improvement each week. We did some one-on-one with the coaches so they could tell us what areas of our stroke we needed to work on for the next week.

Coach Ingrid shared a mission moment with us before we started. We have a woman who just joined the team and Ingrid was talking to her after the spin last night. The woman said she would not be at very many team trainings because she is a single mother and it's difficult for her to have any free time. She has 4 children and one of them was born with spina bifida, has no ability to swallow, and must be fed through a G-Tube. There is not a moment in the day that her daughter can be left alone so taking a shower isn't possible without another adult to be with her daughter, let alone going to training. It also came out in the conversation that the woman's husband committed suicide last year. Throughout the conversation Ingrid was trying to find out what the woman's connection was to leukemia and lymphoma only to find out that there isn't one. This wonderful woman signed up because she wants to give something back, she wants to help others. Amazing. Team In Training is full of people like her, beautiful people who want to push themselves to do more than they thought they ever could, all while helping those less fortunate.

GO TEAM!!!!!


walchka said...

Great job last night...You both are improving every week!

MNFirefly said...

WOW! That's an awesome story!