Sunday, February 11, 2007


Went to Life Time today and did 30 minutes on the treadmill (run/walk) and did some core work. It was a good day, and our butts are still sore from the spin class yesterday. We are very much in need of new shoes and will probably buy them this weekend at Marathon Sports. Great place to go if you ever need running shoes - they know exactly what to look for in your mechanics so you get the right shoe for you. 50th and Penn. Check 'em out.

Finished entering the roughly 250 email addresses for all our participants in TNT this season. Hopefully we'll get another 100 to sign up in the next few weeks. We've got a good group so far and an excellent corp of mentors, staff and coaches. This is going to be a great season. I can feel it!

I just can't stop listening to "Le Disko" (see previous post). I must listen to it at least 10 times a day, not sure why, just one of those songs that gets under your skin. Been watching the Grammys on and off - the set with Corinne Bailey Rae, John Legend and John Mayer was pretty cool. Not sure I much cared for country artists doing Eagles songs. Justin Timberlake was good, and how can you not mention the Police! We will definitely be going to see them if they come through MN. I also thought the slowed down version that Gnarls Barkley did of their song "Crazy" was pretty good. Glad I missed the Dixie Chicks.

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