Monday, February 25, 2008

Skyways and Highways

Reviews from the Oscars last night seem to be unanimous that it wasn’t a very good show. Makes me glad I didn’t waste much time watching it… just a few minutes here and there. Most of the movies we haven’t seen or know much about, which doesn’t help raise the excitement bar at all.

I’m trying to type on the bus on the way home – we’ll see how it goes. I’m sure others on the bus are thinking to themselves “Wow, that guy must be really important… AND cool.” The only thing that would complete the package would be if I had my cell phone clipped to my belt.

Which reminds me – I’d like to take a survey of the three people who actually read the blog. What is your view of cell phones on belts? It seems a decent number of guys I work with have them. Julie is 100% against them.

My foot hurts.

I like working downtown and taking the bus. You see a lot of interesting people downtown. You’d never really see anything “crazy” in Eden Prairie. It’s a great place to people-watch. A whole lot of people standing together waiting for something or someone and they don’t talk to each other. I don’t know if that’s the way it’s always been or not.

You hear all the old folks (no, I’m not including myself in that category) say how everyone would talk to each other, although maybe that was more the case in your own neighborhood. Sitting on the porch swing, visiting with neighbors, drinking lemonade, watching the kids play in the street. The good old days? Sounds good to me.

Being downtown five days a week is helping me to learn the area at least a little better. Julie would say I’ve got a lot to learn yet and she’s right. I was telling her over the weekend that I’m learning how to get around town via the skyways but my starting point is always the City Center building. If we ever went downtown and I wasn’t at the City Center building and we needed to get from point A to point B we’d first have to go to the City Center building and then I could probably get us there. Not too convenient.

I have a key on my keyboard that popped off. I’m going to try and put it back on. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I wonder if that worked.

Temperatures are up. That’s nice. Snow is melting. Ground is brown. Not nice.

Yeah, my foot still hurts. Goodnight.


Bryon said...

Of course having your phone on your belt is cool!!! But just make sure to cover it up with your jacket or your red Target shirt. You know what would be even better? If you had a Jawbone Bluetooth sticking out of your ear!!! I have one but my Dreads cover it up....Peeps think I'm talking to myself. That's why I got it. Am I talking to myself now?

Anonymous said...

i'm against the cell phone on the belt....but understand that some "jobs" require you to wear it pimping.