Wednesday, May 2, 2007

You Should Have Left A Light On

I needed to jump on and do a quick post before heading off to bed. It will probably be short and relatively sweet. It's all relative...

Training update: Tuesday night Julie and I had planned on going to Life Time and doing some weights and possibly running, but at the last minute decided to do some swimming. Didn't do a whole lot, maybe about 500 meters. On Wednesday night we had a fall info meeting at my work so we didn't work out. It just didn't work out to work out. We'll have to work in a work out over the next couple days. Yeah. Definitely.

I was searching through YouTube and came across this video of Sinead O'Connor doing a live performance of "Troy" back in the late 80's. It's absolutely incredible. She has so much talent and an amazingly powerful voice. This song showcases that very well. I could watch it all day. It's really too bad that her career was destroyed from one stupid thing she did in her youth. What a talent she has. If you've never heard her album "The Lion and The Cobra" you really need to get it. It's great.

So is it true that everybody loves Raymond?

I'd like to give a shout out to all the high school kids here in Chaska who read the blog everyday and are down with it. You're all cool cats! Fo-shizzle.

So Minnesota is trying to ban smoking anywhere and everywhere in the state. I have a few issues with this, but I heard one thing that I thought was stupid but typical. Apparently, tobacco shops, where they sell nothing but tobacco, cigars, etc., have rooms called "smoking rooms". (Who'da thunk, huh?) Well I guess they want to ban smoking even in places where that is all they sell! Are you serious? Unfortunately, yes, they are.

Actually, I don't know any kids from the Chaska High School.

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