Monday, May 21, 2007

The Century Man

Happy Monday! Ain't life grand?

It was a busy weekend starting with a swim on Friday night. We met Misty again, this time at the Life Time at 98th and 35W. As pools go it wasn't too bad, a little short (about 20 yards) and the chlorine was pretty strong, or it must have been because your skin still itched even after putting lotion on. We did about 1,300 yards so not too bad of a work out.

Saturday we went to Suzanne's garage sale (She brought in $4,800 and the money is still coming in - way to go Suzanne!!) where I was "forced" to put on a sequined silver jacket. Hopefully I can get the picture uploaded. After we left Suzanne's we headed over to Jim and Sandy's for a benefit bike ride to support our friend Joan Martin's Woman of the Year campaign. We got in a decent 24-mile ride and the heat wasn't too bad until we'd stop - as long as we were moving we were ok. Had a couple ice-cold beers when we got back (Julie, of course, had margaritas) and some great Mexican food. A great ride with some great friends for a great cause!

Sunday we did some errands, I went and helped my friend Chuck with his deck for a couple hours, then Julie and I ran a couple miles when I got home. I didn't think having one beer right before running would have that much of an impact but it really seemed to make me sluggish, not that I'm a speedy runner by ANY stretch of the imagination, but it really seemed to zap the energy. So, all in all it was a great but busy weekend - as they all are these days.

Here's an interesting story about how to live longer from someone who's hit the century mark. It may not be for everyone....

Sometimes people will get concerned about accidentally getting off the course of a race, especially if it's there first one. I always tell them the route is well marked and they shouldn't worry about it. Well, according to this story, perhaps there should be concern.

Sometimes you find a story on line that makes you wish you never opened up your web browser. This one might just qualify, so consider yourself warned. The headline: "STDs on rise in Peoria County". The first line of the story: "Grab a group of friends and a bag of Cheetos."

And one last story that will open your eyes to a new world.

qapla, my friends.

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