Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Fighter Still Remains

So I was thinking to myself earlier today. Not much to report.

Just a couple days before we're off to Tahoe with the cycle team. Can't wait! It is such a fun group of people and we'll be extending our stay to enjoy the sites and definitely do some relaxing. We had some cool shirts made for the TNT Minnesota team which we'll either wear to the pasta party or the victory party. We'll have to get a team picture with them on. Way cool.

Found this incredibly stupid story. Perhaps this is an example of too much drinking...

Here are some of the more entertaining titles of actual "Monty Python's Flying Circus" TV programs:
"How to Recognize Different Types of Tree from Quite a Long Way Away"
"The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom"
"The Golden Age of Ballooning"
"Live from the Grill-o-Mat Snack Bar"

What the heck is up with THIS?!

So I've got three brothers and one sister and the closest one in age to me is my sister Kathy who is 8 years older than me. When I was in kindergarten I began riding the bus to school and, with Kathy being in 8th grade, we rode the bus together. She would go to the back of the bus - because that is where the 8th graders sat (you worked your way closer to the back with each year, a nice pecking order actually) - and I would sit near the front of the bus, where I would sing songs and do it rather loudly. For the record, I'm told I was gosh darn cute. Anyway, one of the songs I would sing a lot was "Cecilia" by Simon & Garfunkel - a classic song. If you're not familiar with the lyrics click here and you'll see that perhaps it wasn't the best song to sing when you're 5 years old, let alone on your way to a Lutheran grade school. If I had any idea what I was singing about...

The most valuable word you can make at Scrabble is "Quizzify", which is worth 31 points, but if this were stretched across two triple-word scores, it would total 419 points - including the 50-point bonus (for using all 7 letters) and the double-letter bonus for the "z". Keep that in your back pocket, unless you're playing against me of course.

I can get you a good deal on toothpaste and deodorant. For details click here.

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

Do you know Mickey Finn? Probably not, but I'm sure you've heard the phrase associated with him. He was a 19th-century San Francisco saloon keeper who ran a bar popular with sailors. When customers got too rowdy, he slipped drugs in their drinks to knock them out. Today, giving someone a knockout drink is called "Slipping them a Mickey."

A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture of the horse man is hilarious. I love it!! I put it as my background on my computer at work.