Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It's Official

As some of you know I've been seeing a chiropractor about my shin splints (which has worked out marvelously) and last week I was taking care of my co-pay when the receptionist asked my about my TNT shirt. I briefly explained the program, paid my tab, and left. This week, I'm paying my bill and she hands me an envelope containing a $100 check! Apparently, my short TNT speech inspired her to donate. For those of you out there fundraising, it pays to keep your TNT stuff visible!

I heard about this story talking with Thelma yesterday at work. Is there really a need to make stuff like this? This is a case where I think the company is not acting ethically. Thoughts?

Julie and I officially registered today for the Life Time Fitness Triathlon - Olympic distance! There is no turning back now! This is the first TNT event we've had to register for on our own and it's kind of surreal. For other events you can sort of play tricks on yourself and not own up to what you're doing until the day of the event, that morning, walking or riding a bus to the start line. Then it hits you. With registering on your own you feel it sooner. We have no doubts we can do this, it just makes it real now. LTF Tri, here we come!!

Chat with ya' on the flip side.


Monkey and banana said...

well, OK, so what is TNT? other then trinitrotoluene that is.

Kimmi said...

CONGRATS!! I'm very excited to know you both are doing the Olympic distance!!! It's gonna be sooooo much fun!!

MNFirefly said...

CONGRATS!! You guys will do awesome!