Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pinching My Belly

How ya' liking this snow?! Here in Chaska we had almost 7 inches on Saturday and probably another 4 or so today. I like the snow but it sure made the commute home tonight a pain in the butt. My normal 20-minute drive took an hour and 45 minutes. Fun.

I kind of feel sorry for school kids, tho. The first big snowfall of the year comes on a Saturday - no school to be canceled. The second decent snowfall comes mid-morning, after they're already IN school. You know the roads will be fine tomorrow so most likely no canceled school with this one either. From what I hear the next snowfall is supposed to come on Thursday so we'll see how that pans out for them.

This morning we were visited by our "friends" Piss and Vinegar. Molson usually plays the role of "Piss" and Gracie assumes the identity of "Vinegar". Little hellions they were! Out romping around in the snow - refusing to come in so I could get to work.

They definitely like the snow - Molson will stick her snout into the snow and walk around like a plow while Gracie will roll around in the snow like a pig, that is until her paws get cold with the snow packed between her pads. At that point she'll stand there holding up a paw for 10 seconds and then switch to another paw - so pathetic. I don't know that she would survive in the wild - in fact I'm SURE she wouldn't.

The only thing that stinks about the snow is that it's too powdery and doesn't make good snowballs. I'll usually throw the snowballs into the air and the girls will try to catch them in their mouths. Gracie can typically catch a few of them but Molson just isn't that coordinated. She'll trip over her own tail - and then start chasing it. Gracie sees Molson chasing her tail and gets excited and starts humping Molson. Oh the fun!

Now, I've heard of many things to do to impress a girlfriend, but this wouldn't be one I'd suggest.


"Guys are always patting my bald head for luck, pinching my belly to hear my girlish laugh..." - Homer Simpson

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