Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Ides Have It

It was a busy but productive weekend, with some training and hanging with friends. The weather was beautiful and we started getting the summer furniture out. All in all a great weekend.

Saturday we went to Life Time and did some weights and then went to swim. We worked on our drills that were on the video I mentioned in previous posts (a video we highly recommend). We're doing the drills one at a time, meaning that while Julie is swimming I'm watching her mechanics and making sure she's in the right position, and likewise she does the same for me. We don't claim to be experts from just watching a video but we think this is really helping, even though we are pretty much just doing the basics.

After we got finished with working out at Life Time we went over to Bally's to meet the Tahoe cycle team who was doing their last in-door training! While we didn't spin with them we did do some core work with a Jason and Misty.

By the time we got home we had enough time to lay down for a bit then went over to our friends Jen and Marc's house to play some cards, eat some pizza, and drink some adult beverages. We played five games of Hand and Foot (a great game if you've never played it) with the guys winning 3 games and the gals winning two. Got home around 2:30 in the morning.

On Sunday we met the Tahoe team over at Calhoun and did about 22 miles - it was GREAT to be back outside riding again! We had a decent turnout and got a good workout in before heading over to Chipotle for some much needed nourishment. Post Chipotle we headed back over to Life Time and did more swim drills before heading home around 7:30 PM.

It was a great weekend and man are we exhausted. We'll be turning in early tonight as it's going to be a long week. Monday we have a Tahoe team meeting, Tuesday is the fall mentor meeting, Wednesday is training, Thursday is Salute To Heroes, and then we're back to the weekend again for three more days of training. The time is just flying by. We're already half-way through April - thankfully the weather is starting to feel like it!

We hope you all have a great week! And remember, on the road of life make sure you have your tires adequately inflated.

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