Monday, March 19, 2007

Brown Bag Lunch

Tonight the cycle team had a meeting at the LLS office and we had a nutritionist come in to discuss what we should be eating and drinking while we train for our endurance events. She was extremely informative. It was rather ironic, tho, that we had a tray of cookies and cupcakes there - we were celebrating my birthday and some others on the team whose birthdays are in March. We learned a lot from the nutritionist and may even go have a consultation with her. Other TNT folks have done that and rave about the difference she's made in their body composition and general health. We're all about that!


Speaking of nutrition (not!), today I took food into work for my birthday. We had donuts in the morning followed by a brown-bag lunch and cookies for the afternoon snack. Everyone really liked the lunches. Each person got a bag with their name on it (plus a smiley face compliments of Julie) which contained a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bag of chips, a cup of applesauce, a CapriSun drink box, and a Hostess cupcake. It was lunch old school! I had told Julie that I wanted to do something different for lunch and she came up with this great idea. It was a hit! We also bought some headbands that people had to wear (bunny ears, a flower, lamb ears, etc) if they wanted a treat. Most everyone was game and went along with it. They also had to get their picture taken with their choice of headband on - quite a riot. Cheesy I know - a little over the top, sure - but it was fun.


Appropriate for today, since it's my birthday:

"You're no spring chicken"
Meaning: You're not young anymore; you're past your prime.
Origin: "Until recent generations, there were no incubators and few warm hen houses. That meant chicks couldn't be raised during winter. New England growers found that those born in the spring brought premium prices in the summer market places." When these Yankee traders tried to pass off old birds as part of the spring crop, smart buyers would protest that the bird was 'no spring chicken.'" (From Why You Say It, by Webb Garrison)


walchka said...

Happy Birthday Pat!

MNFirefly said...

That's an awesome idea that you did for your birthday, Pat. Very unique and creative.

Happy Birthday!