Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Short Cruise

So, she's not guilty. Lot's of people talking about it. I really didn't pay that much attention to it to be honest. One thing I do know - there is nothing wrong with our justice system. She was put on trial, the prosecution presented evidence, the defense plead their case, the jury deliberated and returned a verdict. If you don't agree with the verdict that's one thing, but there is not a problem with the justice system.

Regulators! Mount up!

I am not a fan of Google instant search. Annoying.

Some people actually missed this blog. Go figure. I find it more difficult to do in front of the TV. I'd rather do it on the bus. And yes, I'm still talking about writing a blog post.

It would be good to learn a second language. Although, perhaps I should master my first language. What should my second language be?

I've heard Tom Cruise is really short.

We watched a really screwed up movie yesterday. Funny Games. I don't know if I should recommend it or not. Just really screwed up. And dark.

But for being short, he has a really big smile.

I've discovered so much new music lately. If you'd like to join a really cool group on Facebook where people share new music (or old music) that they've discovered then look up The Audio Congolomerate. Cool stuff.

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