Friday, July 15, 2011

Dinner's in the Kitchen and It's Packed in Ice

I sit here debating whether this post should be random and odd like most of my posts, or something serious. I couldn't decide, so I think we'll go with a little of both. We'll start with the random and end with the serious. Or will we?

Julie and I started going to a Masters Swim class this week. It will take some time getting used to waking up at 5AM to go swim for an hour, but it hasn't been too bad so far. One thing that we've both noticed is how freakin' hungry we are on the days we swim. I'm just wanting to eat everything. I suppose that's not such a bad thing since fat makes you more buoyant. Bouy-ah!

I do like the sound of rain. And the smell of rain, especially when if first starts. It's kind of like that fresh cut grass smell. Just makes my soul calm and happy.

What the heck is this?

I had asked in my previous blog what songs had you movin' this summer. Figured I should share my own. This isn't anything the kids would dance to, but I do love the groove of it. The juxtaposition of upbeat music with dark lyrics works really well. It's "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People. You should check it out here.

And this last song is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard. I love the Avett Brothers. So many good songs but this is definitely one of their best. The lyrics are so powerful. It's called "Murder in the City". I just can't say enough about it. Beautiful. Enjoy it here.

Always remember there is nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name.

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