Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sing, Sing Along

I must say I'm not usually glad to see a weekend come to a close, but from a football perspective this one was a stinker. Not only did the Buckeyes lose but so did the Lions. The OSU one really hurts. A small consolation tho - Michigan lost as well. But, I'd rather they both win than the Buckeyes lose. Oh well. Next weekend is The Game. Should be good.

Yesterday was the TCM/Nike post event party/get together. About 25 of us met for pizza and then we went to the American Legion in Golden Valley. After a few pitchers of beer we left the Legion and headed over to the VFW in Uptown. We were joking that we were going to leave the VFW for the Elks. The popular topic of the evening was Dublin in '08. I think we're going to have an incredible group going. Sooooo can't wait.

The VFW was great. Chuck the chicken was there and everyone was gravitating towards him. They had Karaoke and Chuck was a little disappointed that they didn't have the Chicken Dance, but he did sing along with most of the songs.

Karaoke is always interesting. There are some people who do really well and others are just so bad you wonder if they know they're as bad as they are. Teresa, one of our mentors, did a killer (no pun intended) version of "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks. All the women definitely liked that one.

Here is a link to a great column that was written by John Christy, co-recipient of this year's Nobel Peace Prize (shared with Al Gore) for his work with U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Definitely worth the read.

I thought this was an interesting picture but I'm curious as to what the black square is to the left of the wagon. Any ideas?

Please continue to keep McKenna in your thoughts and prayers. She had a stable weekend and is making baby steps in the right direction but she still needs our help. Thanks so much.

Sorry. Short post. Long weekend. Tired. Bed.

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