Sunday, November 18, 2007

Interspersed with Laughter

Please note there are two posts today. Make sure you read the other one ("Cancer, You SUCK!") as well. It's a good one.

Last night Julie and I went over to the home of our friends Julie and Chuck. They hosted a card/game night and we had a great time! Friends Jen and Lindsey met us at our house and we headed over.

The evening was filled with much merriment and the tipping back of a few barley pops. We played some euchre, shot some pool, and finished the evening with a little Catch Phrase. Interspersed in all that was much laughter and a little more imbibing, some good food and a beer chugging contest or two. All in all I lost at euchre and did terrible shooting pool but it was balanced out beautifully with great friends, old and new.

Today we didn't do a whole lot - just got some lunch and did our weekly shopping. Julie did NOT enjoy the heavy snow flurries. At least it didn't last long. She truly can't stand cold weather.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday already. It seems like summer was just here and we're already heading into the Christmas season. One of the radio stations has begun playing non-stop Christmas music which I really can't stand. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Christmas music, just not 24 hours a day. I find it hard to believe there are that many people out there who want to listen to unending Christmas music. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Definitely. On November 17th? No thanks.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, one of my fondest memories as a kid was waking up that morning to the smell of the turkey already cooking in the oven. The smell just filled the house. Mom was always busy in the kitchen while dad sat in his chair watching TV. Mom would buy loaves of bread and toast them to make her stuffing from scratch and she'd have me cut the toasted bread into little pieces. I would purposely not eat that day until we had the Thanksgiving meal. I wanted to be sure I could eat as much of it as possible. What a great day it would be.

I found this story on-line today and I couldn't believe it. It's about the first two seasons of "Sesame Street" now being available on DVD. Only in TODAY'S world, it's only suitable for adults. Ridiculous.

Everyone have a great week!

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