Friday, November 9, 2007

Please Help - McKenna Needs Your Prayers

As I told you about in a previous post I have added a link to McKenna's Caring Bridge web site and she is having a very difficult time right now and needs as many people praying for her as we can get. Please let others know. Below is what her mother posted on there site today. Please pray for peace and comfort.

Friday, November 9, 2007 8:26 AM CST

We got a call at 5:50am that made our hearts sink...."Your daughter is coding. You need to come in." We have been here with her since 6:30 this morning and as of right now she is stable once again. She gained over 3 kilos in the last 24 hours. That's 7.5 pounds. She is up a total of 17 pounds since entering this ICU.

The oscillator is giving her the max output of 100percent and the Mean Airway Pressure (MAP) is up to 30. Yesterday we had it down to 23 and we were so close to moving to the Vent. Her O2 sats are sitting right around 88-89....not great but still okay.

Mary is here with Scott and I. We are waiting for the ultrasound people to come up and see if there is any fluid in her abdomen or around the right lung that they can tap. The Crash Cart has been outside her room since 5:30----her BP and O2 sats started steadily dropping at about 4am and they did everything they could to get her oxygenating again, including flipping her over a couple of times. Didn't work.

We are also going to be consulting with the kidney docs again and Scott and I have decided that we will DEMAND dialysis. We have nothing to lose at this point and the pros of getting the fluid off quickly far outweigh the cons---which is her dying without trying it. We would never forgive ourselves for not at least trying. We will give her every chance we can to make it through this. If more of her organs start to shut down or if it comes to a point where there is no hope of recovery, then we will hold our little girl close and let her go. She has fought SO HARD and we are SO PROUD of her. What a brave little girl....

Pray for us all and please hug your kids today and tell them how much you love them! I'll keep you updated.

Krista, Scott, Nana and Boo Boo from the hospital

11:30AM update

She's hanging on. They are going to be starting dialysis soon. The doc is in her room right now and will start a new IV access for Dialysis ONLY and there will be a dialysis catheter inserted as well. We are praying that this is going to work! This is the last resort to get the fluid out so that her pulmonary functions can resume again. She is struggling but hasn't given up yet and either have we. The prayers will either help her get through this or they will help her to grow her angel wings. PLEASE keep praying for the comfort she is needing. Whichever way it goes, we are tearfully here, fighting with her every step of the way. Nana has not left her bedside and she is keeping vigil as I type.

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