Monday, September 10, 2007

Men Made of Iron

We had three great friends complete their first Ironman in Madison on Sunday. A hearty "congrats!" go out to Bob, Mike and Andy. Julie and I got to see Bob cross the finish line on the computer. They were doing a live feed of the finish line over the internet which was pretty cool.

The thought of swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and then running a full marathon (26.2 miles) sounds downright crazy, but it was pretty amazing to watch these normal (term used loosely), everyday folks completing this incredible endurance event, most of them taking 14, 15, 16+ hours to complete it. I can only imagine the sense of accomplishment they must feel. Congrats again!!

And people who say they could never do anything like that or that they're too old to exercise should just look at Frank Farrar, a 78-year old man who came in just under the 17-hour time limit. I mean JUST under...

I Frank can do it....


Bryon said...

'Bout time you posted!! We also had a friend participate in IM. It's his 3rd one. I guess he is 3x crazy. I wish I would have know about the live feed. Although it would have interfered with my Football.


walchka said...

Thanks for all the support. Sunday was a long day, but it was a great day!