Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Chocolate, By The Way

Last night we went to St. Paul and met a bunch of friends at Patrick McGovern's Pub to celebrate the accomplishments of the new Iron Men in our lives - Bob, Mike and Andy. The food was very good and the beer was nice and cold. Julie ordered the meat loaf sandwich and it was huge! Two gigantic pieces of meat loaf over bread smothered in gravy. Looked quite tasty.

We found out that Andy placed third in his age group within the Clydesdale division. Way to go Andy! All three of them did fantastic and the accomplishment does nothing but amaze me. To think they traveled 140.6 miles in one day - a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike, and a 26.2-mile marathon - is just incredible to me. I can't even imagine what the feeling of accomplishment was like as they each crossed the finish line. Congrats again guys! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!

Bob and Mike will be doing it again next year and our friends Kimmi and Rachel have also signed up to do their first Iron Man. What a commitment to make. Even tho it's nearly a year away I would still be anxious about it. My hat's off to all of you!

You know, thankfully the woman in this story gave birth via caesarean section, but I sure hope the good Lord helped the poor woman who gave birth to the largest baby in the U.S. in 1879. Wow.

I think Julie is trying to tell me something. She had our street name changed to this.

Well, I should get back to eating my lunch. Mmmmmmm.... pudding.

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