Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When the Rain Comes

So, today a co-worker and I decide that, since it’s raining, let’s figure out how to take the skyway to our bus stop. He tells me “Paaaat, we can just get on the bus in the Gateway station. It’s huge inside and covered. All the buses are there and we won’t get wet.”

We make our way through the skyway which goes a round-about way, much longer than just taking the streets, but it’s raining out so we decide to sacrifice time to stay dry. His bus leaves 5 minutes before mine so about ¾ of the way there he decides to sprint ahead. That’s cool. No problem. Knock yourself out, I say.

I get to the Gateway station (if that’s what it’s called) and make my way down the stairs, walk through the door, and watch my bus pull out into the rain – making his way to the stop I NORMALLY board at. At this point I look around and see rows of buses waiting to depart, but no people getting ON the buses. Ok, that’s odd, where am I supposed to get on the bus?

At the front of one of the lines is a Southwest bus, but it’s not one that goes to Chaska. I walk up to the door at which point the driver reluctantly opens it and I ask him if people can board the buses here. He informs me “No, you have to board at the first stop. You can’t board here.” Great. So much for staying dry.

Since I missed my usual bus I got on my phone to find out when the next bus is scheduled to leave. After all, I want to minimize my time in the rain as much as possible. By this time it’s pouring outside.

Two minutes later the bus driver I just spoke with yells over to me. I turn around and he’s outside his bus waving me over. He leads me to another Southwest bus and says “This is the bus you want. He stops in Chaska.” I thank him and board the bus, remaining dry the entire time.

So, note to self: You can’t board the bus at Gateway no matter what others tell you, and allow an extra 10 minutes the next time you decide to take the skyway.

Lyric of the Day:
“Can you hear me that when it rains and shines it’s just a state of mind?
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?” – “Rain”, The Beatles

Editors Note: “Rain” by the Beatles is one of their best songs. If you never heard it I recommend watching it here. Most excellent.

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