Tuesday, August 28, 2007

48 Hours

I have added a link to a new blog. This new blog is being hosted by Andrew Prest - a current TNT participant who lost his brother to cancer last year and is training to complete the Disney Triathlon next month. Check out his blog - very inspirational.

I'm still on a high from the Ragnar Relay and still lacking sleep. The storms that came through last night didn't help with the latter. While the 48 hours or so that were spent in tight quarters with some great people was physically challenging it still seemed to go by so fast. Maybe the runners don't feel that way but it sure seemed to fly by to me.

Last night Julie and I were looking at the pictures we took over those 48 hours and it made me all the more nostalgic. Especially the video Julie took of Stacy, Emily and Chris dancing on Saturday morning. What a riot! Hopefully we'll be posting some pictures here soon.

Speaking of pictures from Ragnar I was doing some searching on line yesterday and came across this blog from one of the ultra runners who was part of a 6-person team that also did Ragnar. It's amazing to me that these guys were doing 40+ miles and maintaining just over a 6-minute mile pace! And he was this slowest runner of the group from what it sounds like. They did the whole 208 miles averaging a 6:07 mile pace. Unreal. Or just plain sick.

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