Monday, July 23, 2007

Commander Pat - Not a Winner

Happy Monday... Happy, happy, joy, joy...

Our first post-event weekend was a fun one. Busy and fun.

On Saturday morning we got up around 4:30 AM (whatever happened to sleeping in on the weekends!) in order to get to St. Paul by 6:00 AM to meet the marathon run team. We had a good turnout, but I'm not sure everyone was awake when they started the run. At 7 AM the walk team got underway.

The place they meet in St. Paul is near St. Thomas. Training along the river was always one of my favorite places to train. The views around there are beautiful and the paths are nice and wide.

Later in the morning on Saturday we had an information meeting in Hopkins for the winter season. We met some new folks, half of whom signed up. Turnout at these meetings during this time of the year is always lower than other times. Unless the weather is bad people prefer to be outside doing things rather than sitting in an information meeting. I can't say that I blame them.

Saturday night we went to a farewell party for Vicki and Mike, two great friends we met through TNT. They decided to move down to Phoenix so her father and sister threw a going-away party for them. We got them some snacks for the road and a couple of cd's to listen to on the long drive down, which I just looked up on line and is about 1800 miles. Wow.

Do you ever wonder how they get toilet paper on the roll without ripping it?

On Sunday we went to Canterbury Park to take part in their Extreme Racing Day. It was our first time to a horse track and we had a great time. Not only did they have the usual horses races but also had ostrich and camel races. Who knew an ostrich could carry a jockey? And they're fast! The camels? Not so much, but both were entertaining to watch.

Here is a picture of me at last year's air guitar championships.

There was a horse in one of the races yesterday and his name was Commander Pat. Of course I had to bet on him. Of course he didn't win. Another thing we have in common is that we're both fine looking animals, but I won't end up as glue.

If you had been through the desert on a horse with no name, wouldn't you name it something? I mean even Tom Hanks named the volleyball for cryin' out loud.


So, there was a survey done on what people think are the most important things to having a happy marriage. The number one response was sharing in the chores. I'm doomed...

Personally, I'd prefer to drink the stuff, but if you're looking for other things to do with you vodka and beer then check out this story.

Let me know if you are into the whole Harry Potter thing. We've yet to read any of the books OR see one of the movies, but we seem to come across more adults who are into it. We'll do a little unscientific study. If you do read the books tell me what you like about them and if you don't let me know why. I've just never gotten around to reading them, but that's not to say I won't someday.

Here is a picture of me trying to raise money to pay for college. Ahh, the good ol' days.

Everyone have a great week.


Bryon said...


I love you Blog. Man are you Random and youre not even a teacher. We are very random or is it just me.

We are both into the HP books and we just saw the latest movie on Sunday. It was not as good as the past movies but it was good just the same. What are you waiting on just jump into a book.


Julie and Patrick said...

Thanks! Is that "random" in a good way?